This saddle stand is well-made. I like that I can put whatever stain or paint on it I want. It was packaged well and arrived in good condition. I would recommend this product to others.
My daughter loves the saddle stand! It's very sturdy and she likes to sit on it, and it has enough clearance that her feet don't touch the ground. Assembly was easy and the seller was super helpful with communication and shipping.
Took a little while to receive it, but we weren’t in a hurry either. Very well made and easy to assemble. We stained it and added adornments. Our daughter loves it.
This saddle stand is well-made. I like that I can put whatever stain or paint on it I want. It was packaged well and arrived in good condition. I would recommend this product to others.
William Wood
Saddle Stand for Trophy Saddle
Nicely made quality stand for vintage NCHA Futurity Champion Saddle!
Classic Wooden Saddle Stand / Traditional Cherry Stain